Installing Windows Server 2016

Today we will look at how to install Windows Server 2016.

Download Windows Server 2016 ISO image and burn that to DVD or create a bootable USB drive to use as an ISO. Then Insert Windows Server 2016 disk and boot your computer from that. Choose option as you want and click next:


Click the Install now Button:


You have 4 option to choose. Today we will install Windows server 2016 Datacenter , so choose that option and click next:


READ the license terms and Click on I accept the license terms  and  Click the Next button.


Select Custom: Install Windows only (advanced):


Click next (if you have many partition you can delete or format it and create new one on this window if you want)

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Enter a password for the administrator account into the Password and Reenter password fields, after that click Finish:


Press CTRL-ALT-DEL to unlock the login screen


Then type in your password and press ENTER : 

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The next article we will look at role and services on Windows server 2016