Send As, Send on Behalf and Full Access permission on Exchange 2013

Depend on request we can configure Send As, Send on Behalf and Full Access permission to mailbox on Exchange server.  We can configure all this with GUI and Poweshell:

With the Powershell

Send on Behalf – This will grant Asim.Alili send on behalf permissions for Seymur.Guliyev

Set-Mailbox Seymur.Guliyev -GrantSendOnBehalfTo Asim.Alili

Send As – This will grant Asim send as permissions for Seymur.Guliyev

Add-ADPermission Seymur.Guliyev -ExtendedRights Send-As -user Asim.Alili

Full Mailbox Access – This will grant Asim, full access to Seymur.Guliyev’s Mailbox

Add-MailboxPermission -Identity Seymur.Guliyev -User Asim.Alili -AccessRights FullAccess -InheritanceType All

With the GUI

Open Exchange Admin Center, then browse to recipients, select needed user to grant the permission and click the to edit. we would like to grant Asim Alili  the right to send as Seymur Guliyev so we select Seymur and choose edit.


Then go to the option mailbox delegation and add the user which you want add the permission to.  we want to grant Asim Alili the right to send as Seymur Guliyev.


Same way we can set Send on Behalf and Full Access permission.

But i want note that on Exchange 2010  all these permission placed on different place. So you can reach the send as and full access permissions by right clicking the user in the Exchange Management Console under recipient configuration.  Send on behalf permission you need to go the users properties, mail flow settings tab and delivery options.