Configure Openfiler for ESXi shared storage with NFS follow steps below:
1.Open Openfiler with your browser and navigate to Volumes-> Block Devices and click Disk which you want to configure as NFS:
2.Create a partition and set the type to Physical Volume:
3. Click Volume Groups on the right side:
4. Give a name for NFS and select disk and click on ADD Volume Group:
5.Go to Services menu and enable and start NFS Server service:
6. Then go to Volumes menu and select nfs and click change and then give a name for volume name,description,Space MB and Volume type as XFS and click Create:
7. Go to Shares menu and click on NFS Datastore:
8. Give name for subfolder and click on Create Sub-folder:
9. Click on Subfolder and click Make Share:
10. Since this is only for my test I choose Public guest access and click Update. Then set the permissions as Read-Write and click Edit option:
on the Options select no_root_squash and click Update:
Below you see path for NFS:
11.Now we can add NFS to Esxi storage. Open the vSphere web client and right click on host and click New Datastore…:
12.Click next:
13.Select NFS and click next:
14. Give a name for Datastore and write IP address Openfiler and NFS folder path and click next:
15. Click Finish:
As you see NFS Datastore created: